QMUL Online Blog

How to Make the Most of Pursuing an LLM Degree Online

Written by QMUL Online | 09-Feb-2018 14:06:00

Studying online can have tremendous professional and personal benefits

Are you considering embarking on an online LLM degree but are concerned that it may not offer the same benefits as learning within a class environment? Because online learning is a relatively new approach to studying, many people are often hesitant about it, despite the many potential advantages it offers.

If you are facing the need to combine work with university, want to avoid travelling in order to gain a degree from a reputable institution, or even find yourself travelling too much for work to be able to commit to on-campus learning, there is much you can gain from pursuing a degree online. Keep reading to find out how taking the right approach to an online LLM degree can be of benefit to you.  

Online Learning Allows You to Schedule Your Studies in Your Own Time

One of the greatest pluses online learning can provide is the pliancy of your study schedule. This makes it an excellent option if you want to pursue further qualifications but are already juggling multiple responsibilities and cannot fit on-campus learning into your schedule.

This can be especially beneficial in an area like law, where professionals have to deal with heavy workloads and important responsibilities. Whether an on campus timetable is incompatible with your working agenda or you simply cannot find the time to commute, a flexible online course can provide a solution.

Flexible Learning Lets You Benefit from Top Quality Education Anywhere in the World

Not only can you adjust your study schedule while learning online to the times that suit you best, but you can also learn in whatever place is optimal for you. If you study best in your favourite cafe or in your office after work, flexible learning makes that choice yours to make. You can even squeeze in some reading or participate in a discussion forum during your work commute or at the breakfast table.

With online learning you can engage with your studies while travelling

Being able to engage with your course from anywhere also means that you can be in Australia, Asia, Africa, or anywhere else in the world and still benefit from a curriculum delivered by a top university like Queen Mary, making a world-class education more accessible regardless of where you are based.

LLM Degree Students With a Global Focus Can Gain the International Perspective They Need

Something that can immensely benefit your learning, especially when undertaking a globally-focused program such as a Master of Laws in International Dispute Resolution, is studying with classmates from diverse international backgrounds. Through channels like discussion forums and group webinars which are typically a part of many online courses, you have the opportunity to engage with, pose questions to, and play your ideas off of peers from around the world.

Flexible learning surpasses distance, allowing you to engage with a global community

At any time during your studies, you have a collaborative global community at your fingertips ready to broaden your perspectives and enrich your knowledge, which could be immensely beneficial during your future career in the international legal arena.

Gaining the Most from Flexible Learning Requires Commitment

The flexibility and advantages of an online LLM degree  can be very empowering for students, but it is also up to them to ensure they get the most out of it. Your dedication to the learning process dictates the extent to which you may reap the benefits of online learning, and this means being proactive and engaged throughout your studies.

Scheduling regular study sessions, for instance, will aid your retention of course material and with completing any written work or assigned projects. It will also help you better engage in discussions with your classmates and tutors, allowing you to demonstrate active participation and gain more from these interactions, both in terms of knowledge and in making valuable personal connections with your peers. Responsibly engaging with an online learning course will also hone your self-discipline and time management skills, which will benefit you well beyond graduation.

Are you considering pursuing an online master's degree in law?

Explore the options provided by Queen Mary University of London, a member of the prestigious Russell Group.