Balance Career and Academic Successes During Your International Relations Degree

MA in international relations-3.jpgWith the right strategies, you can successfully balance work and your MA degree

One of the most appealing aspects of pursuing postgraduate qualifications online on a part-time basis is the opportunity to study and stay committed to your career at the same time. That being said, both a job and an MA degree can be quite demanding, and balancing them effectively takes careful planning, effort, and stamina.

Fortunately, there are many strategies you can employ during your MA in International Relations that can help you maintain your academic and career success – there is no need to sacrifice one for the other. Read on for a few methods you can try as you push forward in your education and your career. 

Plan Your Schedule Far in Advance During Your International Relations MA Degree

While it can be easy to get lost in the day-to-day hustle of balancing work and education, one of the most important things you can do for your success in both is to take a big picture perspective and plan ahead as much as you can.

Take a note of your course syllabus and map due dates for projects and essays. Then, cross reference this with your work schedule. For instance, do you have major work and study projects that overlap next month? If so, you can set aside time in advance to complete one project and avoid becoming overwhelmed later.

Communicate With Your Employers Throughout Your MA in International Relations

When planning ahead for your Masters Degree in International Relations, communicating with your employers can make your life a lot easier. If, for instance, you find you have a conflict between your work and study commitments, addressing the issue in advance with a superior may allow them to provide you with some flexibility.

They may be able to reassign some of your work, or allow some leeway in your schedule for your coursework. If you are already working in a related field, the skills you gain during your MA can make you a valuable asset to employers, so it is often in their best interest to do everything they can to help.

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Talk to your boss about your studies with QMUL Online to help keep yourself organised

Create Room in Your Calendar and Workspace for International Relations Degree Work

Although you will be working at your job and pursuing your education during the same time period, this does not mean that you should try to work on both simultaneously. Both of these commitments require your full attention and effort, and trying to, for example, catch up on study while in the office or answer work emails while writing an academic essay will damage your efforts on both fronts. Set aside specific hours in your schedule to complete your coursework, and if possible try to work in a workspace that is not distracting – a library, for instance.

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Keep your career work and your coursework separate for better results

Do Not Neglect Your Mental or Physical Health During Your Studies

Your efforts toward your international relations degree and your work will ultimately be stifled if you push yourself too far. To avoid burnout, be sure to prioritise your mental and physical health just as much as your work and your studies.

Ensure that you keep a regular sleep schedule, continue to eat a healthy diet, and try to make time for exercise. All of these things will give you more energy, make you feel more motivated, and can keep you alert and focused, all of which are essential to your ability to succeed in both your work and your MA degree.

Do you want more tips on finding academic success during your MA in International Relations?

Contact QMUL Online to learn more about how we help our students thrive!

Topics: international relations degree, MA in International Relations, masters degree in international relations

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